What is this all about?
This site is designed to give all the information needed, including numerous video testimonials and miracles, to point people to find their God given divine destiny...Which is
A relationship with Jesus Christ
It is also designed to help people find the progressive fulfillment of His purpose for their lives. This is the ultimate place of fulfillment for all of us.
Our divinely ordained destiny!
We will only truly find our highest destiny in fulfilling God's unique and special purpose for our individual lives. It is my prayer that you have an encounter with Jesus. We have and it has been by far the best thing we have ever experienced.
God uses people, His creation, and His words.
Don't you agree that it makes sense that if there is a specific God..who created all of this, that finding out what He wants and fulfilling it would be the ultimate in living your life?
This site is has been set up for people that:
It is here so that you can evaluate the life and claims of Jesus Christ
and the Christian faith in your own privacy, in your own time, and in your own way. And you don't have to have someone in your face about it.
Note from the author:
I have lived a large portion of my life, thinking everything was fine, but came to God when I was at the top of my game and in a great state of mind.
Unfortunately, in my ignorance of the truth about Jesus. I would have spent and eternity in painful misery had not somebody pointed the way to Chirst. I would also have missed out on many of life's greatest blessings. It took me some time and evaluating, because I did not have the right information. If I would have had a site like this to evaluate, it would have happened much faster.
This is my motive for posting this site. There may be some people that just need enough or better info to be able to make the most important connection in life.
A right relationship to God
In finding Him and growing in the faith, I have found a fulfillment and
a joy that is lasting and is better than any of the successes I have had as a professional athlete.
You may be like me. I just needed my own encounter with God, in my own way. If you honestly evaluate what you watch, hear and read.. I believe you will find that here.. I'll see you in heaven! if not sooner...
GARY gary@be-sure-of-heaven.com
Consisder This:
"People are in a restless pursuit after satisfaction in earthly things. They will exhaust themselves in the deceitful delights of sin or in good and noble causes, but finding them all to be vanity and emptiness; they will become very perplexed and disappointed. But they will continue their fruitless search. Though wearied, they still stagger forward under the influence of spiritual madness, and though there is no result to be reached except temporary pleasure. They will only recieve everlasting disappointment.. yet they press forward. They have no forethought for their eternal state; the present hour absorbs them. They turn to another and another of earth's broken cisterns, hoping to find true meaning where not a drop was ever discovered."
Nothing in this life will bring permanent satisfaction... only a living and vital relationship with God and His purposes and plans for your life can bring lasting fulfillment. Why not shift all your attention to pursuing this type of life.. it is the only truly rational and sane thing to do.
It is the goodness of God that leads men to repentance... God's goodness brings to realize that the only thing truly worth living for is the lasting eternal glory of fulfilling our divinely appointed destiny.
Our purpose at be-sure-of-heaven.com is to lead people to find their destiny in God..
This is Jesus's.. "Great Commision"..
"To seek and save those that are lost (living without Jesus),
to give the abundant life
and to make disciples of all nations"